Beauty Shots One of the Final Passes!

Here are my beauty shots that we critiqued in class today. I ended up have 5 different shots because I couldn't decide on my last composition.

The problem with this shot was the lighting from the lights were too even on the right and left side of the shot. I have to delete the torches that I have over there and then change the angle of where the torches in the view are (so they go on the inside of the pillars). The BSP texture of the grass is a little too repetitive and might have to change that out. Also the color of the pillars should all be the same on either side (one side red and the other yellow). The tops of the buildings also caused problem as there was unset background with the mountain on the upper left hand corner. And finally, where the camera leads into should be something more interesting than just the mountain, so I should put a city back there so that there is a focal point in the composition.

This shot had more problems than the first one. For one, the wooden pole in the foreground should not be there as it is causing weird lighting on the the plant. The plant on the left side of the image also might have some UV problems (which I hope is not the case though I will have to look into it) and it is too big. The building in the center people started pointing out looked like a face which I will have to fix and I need more dirt clumps. The column on the left side doesn't match up!

These were my my last three shots that compete for my third composition shot. Jamie thought that all of them had potential if I completed them which I was happy about but most of the students thought that the first one (with the view from the top of the ceiling) was better because it showed more of my map. I would have to set-dress though as the left side of the photo still has BSP on it.

All in all, the problems I have to fix are not too extreme and I feel will be do-able before the deadline.


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