Turkish Coffee Pot
For my 'Before' and 'After' object, I decided to go with a turkish coffee pot, that tied with my old modular kit but that was also textured and stylized in an antique way. I was pretty happy about some things with my mesh but there were things that were definitely more challenging. Here are some of my final shots (not portfolio ready yet). The lighting is still bad, but later on I will go and create my own lighting to make my pot more appealing.
The one on the left is the before asset, the one for the after is the burnt, scorched look of a pot with a grime handle. For some reason, the top of the pot is a little broken, but overall I was really happy about what I did. I painted the textures in zbrush to create that intricate design on the pot and make it more antique. Here is an image of them
together on the left. Learned a lot from this assignment concerning material editing.
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